วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Home Remedies For The Flu

Diabetic Cat Food:

With nutritional home remedies for flu it is possible to be over the worst in 48 hours or less by mixing together this cocktail of herbs.

When you have flu it is leading to boost your immune principles as fast as possible in order to treat the condition fast and positively to beat the infection.

Flu and in single swine flu is more risky for habitancy with an fundamental curative condition such as asthma, chronic obstructive disease (Copd), diabetes, bronchitis, heart or kidney complaint or any lung linked problem in which case then your physician will propose the every year seasonal flu shot, more particularly if you are over sixty five years.

Diabetic Cat Food:Home Remedies For The Flu

During a flu infection the body creates a fever condition plainly as your immune principles works best when in a warm environment. Hence the recommendation to wrap up well when you have a cold or flu-like condition.

Immune Boosting Herbs

There are many different foods and herbs which you can mix together as a power cocktail for an immune principles boost. The most popular which are recommended by alternative practitioners as a liquid boost are:


This is the Native American snake root which later became known as 'snake oil' which was sold by travelling salesmen in the Wild West days. Surprisingly it did sell well because it worked, but no one at the time realised its full potential.

As it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties it is an perfect tonic for upper respiratory infections and it also increases the production of the white blood cells. Take two droppers of the tincture,

Tincture of Propolis

Not as well known as Echinacea, but it still has more properties being ant-viral, anti-bacterial and antibiotic all at the same time.

Propolis which is produced by the bees from discrete sources was named by the antique Greeks, pro meaning before and polis refers to the city, a more apt translation being 'In Defence of the City'. Used by the bees to repel invaders of their hives by sealing all cracks in the hive and at the same time keeping their environment sterile, As propolis is also an anti-inflammatory it helps to reduce the inflammation of the lining of the lungs and respiratory tract, also soothing any sore throat or cough.

Two droppers (If you are allergic to bee stings, honey or pollen take care as it could induce an adverse reaction)


It contains allicin, a substance which contains similar immune principles boosters to propolis. Chop two cloves in a blender to publish the active ingredients.

Cat's Claw

An anti-fungal, antioxidant and immune boosting herb from the Peruvian rain forest and was used for centuries by the natives of the Andes. Well known by alternative practitioners and has proved to boost immune function,
Include two droppers of the tincture.

Mix all the ingredients in a blender as a cocktail with 250 ml of tomato or organic vegetable juice and the juice of a lemon. The lemon acts as a liver cleanser to clear away the toxins produced by the infection.

The mixture should be sipped slowly twice a day morning and evening whilst the flu lasts.


Now that your body is in a' fever' condition you will need to drink copious amounts of water both to flush the toxins from your body and of policy to re-hydrate. Drink what you feel comfortable with but aim for at least 3 litres per day.

Diabetic Cat Food:Home Remedies For The Flu

