วันจันทร์ที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Help - My Cat Keeps Throwing Up
Most cats, even wholesome ones, vomit from time to time. Although it can be very distressing if your cat keeps throwing up, this is perfectly natural and doesn't necessarily mean that there is anyone seriously wrong with your cat. There are several non serious factors which may cause your cat to throw up.
You may observation your cat bringing back a meal shortly after eating it; in fact it will often appear to be completely undigested. Cats will often bolt their food, or eat more than their stomach can handle at a time, so the stomach will reject it. This may be more base in multi-cat households, where cats sense competition for their food. Cats' digestive systems are very sensitive, and a sudden turn in your cat's food can also induce feline vomiting.
Hairballs are one of the most base causes of feline vomiting. They are caused when your cat ingests fur whilst grooming itself. Long haired cats are more likely to suffer from hairballs, although all cats can suffer from time to time. You should be able to spot clumps of hair in the vomit. Hairballs can be reduced by regular grooming or adding vital Omega-3 Fatty Acids or fish oils to your cat's food to allow cat hair to pass through the cat's digestive tract.
Sometimes your cat may throw up if it has eaten something inappropriate, such as garbage or a poisonous plant. If you hypothesize that it has eaten something which may be poisonous, such as slug pellets, cleaning fluids, plants etc take it to the vet immediately. Feline vomiting may also indicate that your cat has swallowed something which may cause an obstruction, such as a bone or piece of string. In this case the vomiting may be accompanied by foam or froth colse to the mouth. Again, take it to the vet if you hypothesize this.
Cats will often eat grass and other plants; it is belief that this provides them with roughage in their diets. However, it can also cause them to vomit. In this case the vomit will be frothy in appearance, with the plant matter clearly present.
Other non serious causes of feline vomiting are stress and nervousness. Elderly cats can throw up more frequently as their bodies start to wear down and their immune theory lowers.
Feline vomiting can also indicate a more serious problem. It can indicate parasites such as worms; you may be able to see these, resembling grains of rice or thread, in the vomit or feces. If you think that your cat has parasites, consult the vet. regular deworming can help to preclude this.
It can also indicate an infection, such as salmonella, feline leukemia, or a bacterial or viral infection. In this case, the vomiting may also be accompanied by diarrhea. Your vet should be able to give guidance on treatment.
Certain diseases can also cause feline vomiting, such as liver disease, kidney disease, Feline Panleukopenia, diabetes and bowel disorders.
If you observation symptoms such as blood in your cat's vomit or other symptoms such as diarrhea, weakness, sure pain or breathing difficulties, or your cat keeps throwing up for longer than a couple of days, feel your vet as soon as possible.
Diabetic Cat Food:Help - My Cat Keeps Throwing Upวันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Ferret Tails duk soup Raw footage. .AVI
Sadly, on Oct 6th, 2010, our little one passed away due to complications to her illness. She is now at peace, ONLY Parry Gripp has our full permission to use this clip in any video of their choosing, - should they find a use for it. (Just let us know!!) This is our little girl Hud's, she is nine, and she is enjoying a serving of Duk Soup. This is the raw footage that we shot on June 1st 2010, and will be made into a story when I figure out the new program. Update on Huds, She's pretty much living off of the duc soup and a high protine kibble we found, She's been prone to siezures, and has slipped into a diabetic coma a few times. We have been in constant contact with our vet, and managing her illness through diet seems to be the best option. Note, she is not in any pain, and she is eating fine etc. Q- Why do they call it Duk soup? A. It's made out of chicken, and liver, and chicken by products. Its got all of the things in it to make ferrets feel better when they are ill. You can buy it, or make it yourself, but like any non kibble food for animals, you need to keep it fresh for them. Q are ferrets hard to raise or keep - I want one!!? They are soo cute! A. Ferrets are best in bunches. they are a social animal, hypoallergenic and are cat/dog creatures. if you don't have more than 8 hours out of a day to play and interact with them, then they would not be a good pet for you. If you DO want one, please go to the local shelter and discuss with them about adopting one there ...
ferret, feeding, Duk Soup.
วันเสาร์ที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Blindness in Cats - Five tasteless Causes of Feline Blindness
Cats plainly have first-rate vision. However, there are various conditions that can cause blindness in cats. Some of these conditions include hypertension, glaucoma, and cancer. Let's take a look at some of these causes of feline blindness.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the leading causes of blindness in cats. If left untreated, the pressure can cause the retina to rupture. This can occur in just a matter of days. Cats that have kidney disease, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism have the highest risk of developing hypertension.
An early sign that your cat is suffering from high blood pressure is the nearnessy of dilated pupils. The pupils won't sass to a turn in light, and there also may be blood in your cat's eye. Hypertension is dealt with by treating the basic cause. Your cat may also need to start eating foods low in sodium.
One of the next coarse causes of feline blindness is glaucoma. Glaucoma is a health in which there is too much pressure within the eye. It is also a coarse question for humans. If your cat is diagnosed in the early stages, the pressure may be reduced via medications. If it has already progressed, your cat may need surgery to definite the problem.
Another cause of blindness in cats is cancer. Tumors can grow in or colse to the eye. In most cases, the eye will need to be surgically removed. However, it is ordinarily substituted with a prosthetic eye to give a more natural look.
Progressive retinal atrophy is an untreatable health that leads to feline blindness. Most cats suffer from this health because they inherited it. The disease progresses gently over time, but will lead to total blindness.
Kidney Disease
One of the final coarse causes is kidney disease. It is coarse for older cats to suffer problems like continuing renal failure as they age. Unfortunately, continuing renal failure leads to hypertension. As stated earlier, hypertension can easily cause sudden blindness in cats if the retina ruptures.
Diabetic Cat Food:Blindness in Cats - Five tasteless Causes of Feline Blindnessวันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
NICKS POV We came to Chiles. We were talking having fun and making fun of each other. Megan was stuffing her face with a fajita, Caro was eating ribs, and Liz was eating steak. C: BOOM BABY! She stood up and the whole restaurant turned to look at her. She turned tomato red and sat back down. J: what the hell was that about? C: Megan, Liz, and I made a bet on who could eat their food the fastest so I finished and screamed boom baby. N: yeah we heard that part. C: *sarcastic* ha- ha M: so guys how are we going to deal with these two munchkins until Sabrina and Kevin get back? J: arent they coming back Monday? After the question came out of his mouth I got a text from Kevin. From Kevin: Fro bro Ill be back next Sunday take care of the kids for me. Joe is still in charge I responded To Kevin: Damn you! Lots of love Fro bro L: what happened? N: Kevin and Sabrina wont be back until next Sunday C: crap J: what We all looked at her. C: Im going to be in the studio all week J: can you take them to the studio with you? C: I dont know but are seriously expecting me to take care of them all week in the studio? M: no how about we take turns? N: as always amazing ideas by Megan She smiled at me. Caro and Joe made a gagging sound. We turned and glared at them. Taylor and Liz started cracking up. Soon we were all laughing. L: but seriously we should N: alright caro you have them tomorrow and Sunday, Megan Monday and Tuesday, Liz Wednesday and Thursday, Joe Friday and Saturday, and Ill ...
วันพุธที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
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วันอังคารที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Obesity In Pets
Obesity is an addition qoute for pets and owners alike with many pets being heavier than they should be which will shorten their lifespan and predispose them to many other medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, liver disease, breathing difficulties, heat intolerance and digestive upsets. The extra weight will significantly increase any risks connected with anaesthetics or sedations and will cause your pet to need a larger dose of medication e.g. Pain relief if they institute arthritis. Most medications are given based on weight so a heavier pet means rehabilitation is more costly as more tablets are required. This extra medication also needs to be processed by the liver and kidneys which should belong to a lighter dog so extra work is required to break down and remove waste products.
What is the precise weight for my pet?
There is a great unlikeness in body type in the middle of breeds just as there is in people. A normal rule to assessing either a pet is overweight is how categorically you can feel their ribs. You should just be able to feel the ribs without pressing too hard and not be able to see them. If you are having to press firmly then your pet is overweight, if you cannot feel their ribs at all then it is likely they are clinically obese and veterinary help should be sought immediately.
What should I feed my pet?
Most market pet foods are carefully researched and formulated to supply a balanced diet. You should look at the range on offer to settle which is most favorable for your pets condition and lifestyle. We can give advice on a case by case basis via e-mail or alternatively palpate your local veterinary convention or pet shop.
Many types of pet food will vary in the types of ingredients and the quality of the ingredients used and this will ordinarily be reflected in the price. Any way some superior foods do not need as much to be fed so may not be as costly as they seem on first impressions. It is ordinarily the estimate of food consumed rather than the type which leads to obesity. If more fat are being taken in than are used up these must be stored as fat. If your pet is overweight it is foremost to find out why as this can help with losing weight. The following points may help:
- Are they neutered? This reduces the need for vigor for reproductive reasons and may need an adjustment to their feeding regime post surgery.
- How much are they fed? Is this a similar estimate to the feeding guide on the food or is it more than recommended?
- How much rehearsal do they receive and has this decreased recently?
- How many habitancy take accountability for feed times?
- What extras do they receive?
- Has the food bowl been changed recently?
Where do I start?
Your veterinary convention will be prepared to advise you on a favorable weight loss regime and most offer free weight clinics with specially trained nurses. Some habitancy feel embarrassed or find it difficult to ask for this kind of help just as some veterinary professionals find it a difficult subject to broach as habitancy can take comments personally. habitancy who are willing to put in the hard work ordinarily receive the level of retain they need it is those that ignore or are not willing to accept that obesity is a life threatening qoute that frustrate those who are trying to help them.
Start by measuring out the estimate of food your pet should be getting based on the feeding guide from the pet food packet. This is a guideline as some pets will need more and some less than the recommended estimate to keep them at optimal body condition. If it is a dry food this can be marked on a cup or mug and represents their daily percentage together with treats and extras. If your pet is overweight then their intake of fat needs to be reduced to encourage the body to use fat reserves. Ultimate care should be taken in just cutting down the estimate you offer as you are also reducing the estimate of vitamins and minerals they receive. If these drop below a important point then there is a risk of nutritional deficiencies. The most victorious and safest formula of weight loss ordinarily involves a calorie controlled designate diet and rehearsal programme. Alternatively you could make gradual changes to the diet you already offer.
- Begin by cutting out all extras and treats and weighing out the precise estimate of food for your pets size. If you want to give a treat take it out of their daily food ration. It is the act of giving and attention received that is often more foremost than the treat itself.
- Divide their percentage into several small meals rather than 1 large meal.
- Gradually increase rehearsal depending on the condition of the pet and the degree of obesity. This can contain production them find their food or having to excerpt it from a food dispensing toy. Swimming is good low impact rehearsal for arthritic animals and there are an addition estimate of hydrotherapy centres available. All the time stop if your pet appears distressed. Consult your vet for an rehearsal regime in cases of heart or lung disease.
- Cats may need to be kept indoors initially to prevent them obtaining food from other sources such as neighbours or hunting themselves!
- Reweigh every 2 weeks initially to make sure they are losing weight and this weight loss is not too rapid. Consult your veterinary nurse for advice.
- Remember they are much smaller than you and a decrease of 100g in a 5kg Cat or Yorkshire terrier represents losing 2% of their body weight. This is the same as a 40kg Labrador losing 800g (1lb 12oz). This would be a safe estimate to lose over the course of 2 weeks.
- It may be inherent to reduce your pets food intake by up to 15% but Ultimate care should be taken in doing this as nutritional deficiencies may result. Your veterinary nurse should be consulted for advice for reducing your pets daily ration.
- Calorie controlled designate diets should be carefully for those pets who do not lose weight through controlling their current diet and gently addition exercise.
- Remember to use the same scales and make a report of the weight so that the rate of weight loss can be seen.
This advice cannot assess to the individual weight loss programme formulated by a distinguished veterinary nurse. It is strongly advised that you keep in palpate with your veterinary convention whilst conducting a weight allowance programme.
Diabetic Cat Food:Obesity In Petsวันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
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How Your Cat's Urinary Tract Infection Might Have Been Prevented
Once again the time had arrived to drop my cats off at the vet for his every year teeth cleaned. Later in the afternoon I returned to pick him up and was quietly invited behind the counter to see whether he was ready to go home. On the way I was escorted by the sick pet area and couldn't help but consideration cage after cage labeled "Cat Uti".
What struck me as odd was how few dogs there were, since I have read that dogs tend to be more susceptible to bacterial infections of the urinary tract than cats.
My feel above was partially responsible for motivating me to write this record in hopes that at least some pet parents will be able to take these suggestions, implement them, and avoid the time, expense, and wear and tear on their cat that is part and parcel of what is embodied in the term "cats urinary tract infection".
How your cats urinary tract infection might have been avoided
*Reducing or Eliminating Stress. Surprisingly stress is a major contributing factor when it come to cat Uti. As to the reasons why most study is vague at best but seems to lean toward stress comprising immune system function especially in older animals.
*Better Litter Box Hygiene. As a normal rule litter boxes should be scooped at least twice a day and litter should be changed regularly. I would theorize most pet parents already know this. That said, some cat litter products simply are not very good when it comes to absorbency which in turn means boxes filled with these litters need to be changed more often. Additionally, some finicky felines may refuse to use wet or dirty litter boxes which can ensue in holding of urine. Urine holding or not being able to fully empty the bladder are two major contributing factors for pet urinary tract infection.
*Better Hydration. When cats are fully hydrated they tend to urinate more which flushes invading bacteria out the urinary tract before it has a occasion to cause a problem. In order to keep your pet hydrated clean, fresh water should be available at all times. Someone else tip is to feed them canned food, at least on occasion, to put more liquid in their diet. Some pet parent have found that leaving a faucet dripping works well though it is not something I have tried.
*Keeping Their Weight in Check. Obesity is a contributing factor in many for many cat diseases and health including cat Uti, diabetes, arthritis, and immune deficiency. All of which can lead a cats urinary tract infection. As painful as it is for pet parent to restrict food intake this might be the best way to put your roly-poly feline friend on a diet. Additionally, your local pet food store likely carries capability pet foods for weight management.
*Maintaining High operation Levels. Statistics show that inactive cats are twice as likely to become ill as active ones. Inactivity tends to weaken immune system function, encourage obesity, raise stress levels, promote urinary stone formation, and sell out litter box visits; all contributing factors for improvement of bacterial urinary tract disease.
In conclusion, the steps above are just a few prophylactic steps we can take as pet parents to sell out our cats chances of contracting a urinary tract infection. Other prophylactic steps many pet parents has used with success are adding an eye-dropper of cranberry/blueberry juice to their water each day, avoiding pet foods with high levels of magnesium (to discourage crystal and struvite stone formation), and periodically adding one of the extremely regarded homeopathic remedies to their normal wellness habit containing berberis (bladder and urinary tract health), cantharis (urine flow and bladder health), and staphysagris (urogenital and prostate support). Specially formulated to enhance pet urinary tract health.
A consolidate of final points worth remembering. First, homeopathic remedies for pet urinary tract health can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment, as a standalone rehabilitation in mild cases, and as a prophylactic reserved supply as described above. Second, it is important to know that colse to 40 percent of the time your cats urinary tract infection will not be curable becoming persisting or recurring.
Diabetic Cat Food:How Your Cat's Urinary Tract Infection Might Have Been Preventedวันศุกร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Pet condition Concerns - data Equals Wellness
Pet owners tend to have a few things in common, one of which is a desire to supply their animals with the best life they can possibly enjoy. This sense of accountability encompasses daily care and maintenance of your pets health, as well as dealing directly with any problems or questions that arise. To do this, the pet owner needs to arm herself with the best, most up to date data on the base wellness issues facing her pet, either it's a cat, dog, or some other animal.
There is a veritable encyclopedia of knowledge available over the internet on assorted websites about cat health problems, pet health information, dog health questions, and things like diabetic and all natural dog food. Unfortunately, pet health data can be good or bad, depending on the source, and your veterinarian is always your best guide for real advice on topics like flea control, weight problems, and skin, coat, eyes, and dental care.
There are, of course, reputable fellowships that supply considerable insight into your pet's health, together with such well known brands as Innova, Pedigree, and Science Diet. Some leading issues like either to feed your dog dry or canned food can be researched from their informative pet health websites. Again, filter all of the data you receive straight through your pet's vet.
Vaccinations are a crucial component of your pet's ongoing wellness, and diseases like rabies, viruses, and the flu can be prevented by following your vet's recommended schedule. In addition, flea and tick control can not only keep your dog comfortable, but also prevent such things as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Worms, like Hookworm and Ringworm, are also simple to prevent and treat, which is an additional one good intuit to visit your pet's animal clinic regularly.
All in all, it's not that hard to keep your pet salutary and happy. A itsybitsy knowledge, combined with some good wellness habits, are no ifs ands or buts all it takes.
Diabetic Cat Food:Pet condition Concerns - data Equals Wellnessวันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Diabetes Blood Sugar Chart - general Blood Glucose Ranges
Monitoring your glucose ranges is very foremost and must be done on a regular basis (especially if you are a diabetic). One of the best ways to monitor your glucose is to use a diabetes blood sugar level chart.
Glucose is the main fuel that your body uses to produce energy. Without it your body won't function properly (just like an automobile). The chart that I'm about to show you will be very helpful to you as it will help you monitor when problems occur and if there are any patterns of your readings. The patterns will become very clear to you (as you learn how your own body works) and you will be able to discuss them more clearly and effectively with your condition professional. It is crucial that you know kind of events, food, activities, and medications may cause your blood sugar to growth or decrease.
You should work closely with your condition care supplier to ensure that you are meeting your goals. He will contribute a meter tool for you to help you keep track of your levels. You should clue yourself on how to use the meter.
Diabetes Blood Sugar Chart - general Blood Glucose Ranges
Upon waking up (and before breakfast), your levels should be between 80 and 120. This is determined to be a wholesome range.
Before meals your levels should also be between 80 and 120.
Two hours after you eat meals, your levels should be 170 or less.
Before lunch, it should drop back down to 80-120.
Before you go to bed, it is ideal to be between 100 and 140.
At 3am (while sleeping), it is ideal to be between 70 and 110.
While fasting, it is ideal that you stay in the 70 to 100 range.
The numbers from this chart will help give you a good idea of general blood glucose ranges; however, you may want to ask your condition care supplier where exactly your range should be at (during each of the above events). It is foremost to receive frequent testing as this can sell out the risk of having complications from your diabetes.
Diabetic Cat Food:Diabetes Blood Sugar Chart - general Blood Glucose RangesDiabetes - Foods To Eat And Avoid
What one eats is very important from the point of view of his health.
The chief concern while monitoring and controlling diabetes is to see that the sugar level does not cross the general range. This means that one needs to cut down on clear types of food and consume commonly those foods, which are good at regulating diabetes.
People with diabetes should try to articulate a wholesome weight and eat a diet that is:
« low in fat
« low in sugar
« low in salt
« high in fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day)
« high in starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, chapatti, rice.
There is no such food that citizen with diabetes should never eat. In addition, there is no need to cut out all sugar. But, citizen with diabetes should try and eat only small amounts of foods that are high in sugar, fat. So, if you have diabetes you can treat yourself to cakes and biscuits once a blue moon, as part of a balanced diet.
What foods to eat?
« A diabetic sick person must eat lots of fruits and vegetables in which fibre article is very high. Such type of food lowers the requirement for insulin, the surmise being it releases vigor into the body cells slowly. A high fibre diet means more chromium, which is very helpful in the treatment of diabetes.
« As for vegetables, onion, garlic, ginger, radish, spinach, kale, cucumber, carrot, tomato, cabbage and cucumber are excellent in the treatment of diabetes. Moong, kidney beans which have been sprouted, and unripe banana which is cooked, are also recommended.
« Fenugreek seeds which have been soaked in water are good for diabetic patients.
« For fruits, take guava, Indian blackberry (jamun), fig, kiwi fruit, apples, citrus fruits and pomegranate juice. Let these things be a part of your morning breakfast. Since, fruit juice is high in fructose (fruit sugar) and can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly, it's best for diabetics to drink fruit juice with a meal and avoid having more than one small glass a day.
« Replace white sugar with palm sugar, dates and honey, if you want to have something sweet.
« Unpolished rice, sprouted grain should be taken in moderate quantity.
« Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are good in diabetes.
« Drink fullness of water, at least 8 to 10 glasses per day.
« Single helping of fish or seafood, as it provides omega 3 fatty acids.
« Condiments such as pepper, chilli, mustard, herbs and spices.
« Raw vegetables need to be taken in large quantity, as cooked food raises the level of blood sugar fast.
« Eat non-fat dairy such as skim milk, non-fat yogurt and non-fat cheese, plain yoghurt, avoid cottage cheese a sit is high in carbohydrates.
« Some herbs and vegetables are specifically prescribed for diabetes, like Bitter Gourd and bitter melon juice.
What to avoid?
« Processed foods, white sugar, white flour and junk food, must be totally given up. Avoid sweets, glucose, fruit sugar, cakes, ice cream, chocolates, soft drinks, cream and fried foods.
« Anything that contains harmful preservatives and too much salt should be avoided.
« Avoid smoking and alcohol.
« Try and abstain from sweets, ice-creams and chocolates, together with the so-called sugar-free types.
« Foods made from white flour, rye, corn, polished rice, bread, pasta, pastry, cakes, biscuits, pies.
« Starchy vegetables such as potatoes in particular; and go easy with beet, carrots, peas, beans.
« Avoid concentrated dairy products, such as khoya, kheer, cheese, cottage cheese.
« Fruits such as bananas, mango, grapes, strawberry, custard apple, date.
« Cottage cheese (except in small amounts)
« Avoid commercially packaged foods such as fast foods, chips, ready-to-eat foods, snack foods and "health foods."
« Fruit juices, as these are much higher in carbohydrates than fresh fruit. Moreover, they also lack in dietary fibre.
A few helpful tips if eating out -
· Avoid items called jumbo, combo, giant, deluxe, as they tend to have more calories.
· Choose grilled, baked roasted or steamed food.
· Choose water and calorie-free "diet" drinks instead of quarterly soda, fruit mock tails, sweet tea and other sugar-sweetened drinks
· Avoid creamy toppings, like mayonnaise. Add flavour with pepper, tomato, and onion.
· Watch out for high-fat topping salads, dressings, cheeses, and croutons.
· Choose a thin-crust pizza with extra vegetable toppings. Limit yourself to one or two slices. Keep off the extra cheese, which add calories, fat, and sodium.
· End your meal with sugar-free, fat-free frozen simple yogurt or a small cone of fat-free yogurt. best still, go for a platter of fresh fruit salad.
· Check out on your part size.
So, Eat Well And Be Well.
Diabetic Cat Food:Diabetes - Foods To Eat And Avoidวันพุธที่ 16 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
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วันอังคารที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
How Pet Food Is Making Your Cat / Dog Obese And Diabetic - Fat Cats And Dogs
Our pets, cats and dogs, are becoming obese and diabetic. Why are our dogs and cats getting fat? The food that we feed our cats and dogs is making them fat and unhealthy. This video is a review of the ingredients that are commonly found in dog and cat food. Like our processed food, you will find that most cat and dog food is filled with grains and starched. These are cheap carbohydrates that cause an insulin response in the body of the cat or dog. That insulin response creates fat storage. Popular advice for people who are overweight is for them to reduce their calories and exercise more. This simplistic approach won't work with your favorite pet and would not result is weight loss for your cat or dog. It is natural to assume that the diet that you eat is healthy for your pet. The marketing of pet food plays on that false assumption, but your cat or dog was not designed to eat grain. In the wild your cat or dog would hunt and eat meat. Your can and dog need to eat a primal diet. That is your pet's natural diet. Your goal should be to keep your pet's food as close to their natural diet as possible. Look for a pet food that has no grains and is low in carbohydrates. That will result in your cat or dog not becoming obese and diabetic, but also in your pet being healthier overall. www.BryanMarcel.com
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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
The freedom method
Wouldn't it be great to relax anytime you want to?
How often do you feel tense and stressed? Many of us lead busy, stressful lives. Even if you normally a laid back sort of someone there many times when you come up against a particularly stressful event in your life, for example intriguing house, starting a new job, sitting an prominent exam, establishment for an prominent interview. If you know how to relax then the stress linked with these events can be greatly reduced.
Relaxation is not a luxury - it is valuable for our reasoning and corporeal well-being.
Stress and the Immune System
The 'fight or fly' response type of short term stress was evolved as a way of protecting humans from attacks. If the mammal was large, the responses created a surge in power so that the human can run away. If the attacker was small then fighting was the thorough response. In this case the stress boosts the immune law as it readies the body to cope with minor bites and scratches. If we are startled, frightened then short term stress happens. This is perfectly general and causes no long term negative effect.
Constant long-term stress is a separate case all together. This is when the stress lasts far beyond the fight or flight situation. In this case the immune law is suppressed and illness can result. If you are elderly or all ready sick then the supervene of long term stress can be dangerous. Stress linked conditions include:
* depression
* diabetes
* hair loss
* heart disease
* hyperthyroidism
* obesity
* obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder
* sexual dysfunction
* tooth and gum disease
* ulcers
* cancer (though this has not been proven yet)
Learning to relax combats long term stress and therefore can have a useful medical supervene on the body as well as the mind.
How to relax
Here are a few tips to get you started:
Food - too much sugar or caffeine can cause severe emotional ups and downs and make you tense. Eliminating sugars and caffeine - or at least cutting them down - will help you relax.
If you are feeling overwhelmed find a quiet place. If you are in a busy environment, such as at work, then even sitting in a bathroom stall will work.
Breathing - when you are stressed your breathing will be faster. Try to inhale deeply and slowly.
Take a bath - a bath with soft music and a good book is an excellent way to relax
Avoid angry and irritable citizen if at all possible. Angry citizen tend to drive you mad.
Exercise - easy exercising such as walking, cycling or swimming will help relax you afterwards.
Stroke a pet. Stroking a cat or dog is a proven way to de-stress
Take up relaxing hobbies such as fishing, painting, photography, sewing, knitting or drawing)
Learn to meditate. Meditation is an excellent way to relax. You can learn from a Dvd program, audio, or a local class. Often Buddhist groups will teach you without pressurising you to come to be a Buddhist.
Listen to a hypnotherapy relaxation Cd. Hypnosis is a great way to relax - and you don't need to spend a lot of money going to a hypnotherapist to do this.
Smile and laugh. Rent a funny dvd, read a comic book, go to a comediy club. Laughter is the best medicine they say.
Sing - signing a song is other way to relax.
Diabetic Cat Food:The freedom methodวันศุกร์ที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Sugar Substitutes: Licorice Root
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Licorice root (the ingredient in black licorice) is a substance of which virtually everybody is aware. Licorice is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region. Oriental cultures identify licorice for its sweetening properties. Glycyrrhizin, the active ingredient in licorice, is between 50 to 100 times sweeter than sucrose.
Parts of Licorice Used: You can use the whole root (with skin or peeled), the dried powder, or the excerpt to plainly sweeten the things you eat and drink. It takes very minuscule to attain sweetness. Many over-the-counter combination herbal teas sweeten and flavor their formulas with licorice.
The blue-flowering plant, which looks like a pea vine, grows wild in much of southern Europe and in Asia. Licorice is one of the most widely used corrective herbs and is found in numerous original formulas in many cultures because it also covers up the gross taste of other herbs.
Uses of Licorice root: Licorice root has been used since old Egyptian times to treat upset stomachs, ulcers, asthma, chest infections, bronchitis and coughs. It is also good for clearing the throat, supporting adrenal function, arthritis and as is a mild laxative. Licorice root roots and stolons (peeled or unpeeled) may be used in its unadulterated, ground-up form as a original sweetening compound. Licorice contains glycyrrhizic acid (also knows as glycyrrhizic or glycyrrhizin.
Glycyrrhizic acid is often touted as an ulcer-healing agent (although my clients hated it, so I no longer send it home with them. I also don't ask them to chew the tablets.) In one clinical study, licorice root fluid excerpt was used to treat 100 patients with early peptic ulcer. Eighty six cases that had been unresponsive to accepted medicine were treated at a dose of 15 ml (about one tablespoon extract) four times daily for six weeks. Confident effects were reported in 90% of the cases.
Licorice overdose: The bad thing about licorice is that it causes sodium keeping which then raises blood pressure causing hypertension. Licorice acts to reserve water in the body. Because of this, it can be a good herb for diabetes insipidus patients where the person can't seem to drink adequate water.
Other side effects contain edema, headaches, lethargy, and mild depletion of potassium which may corollary in cardiac problems when consumed excessively. Adverse symptoms of inordinate glycyrrhizin consumption generally disappear shortly after a person lowers their dietary intake of products containing the sweetener.
Contraindications: Licorice root should not be used for people or pets suffering with cholestatic liver disorders, liver cirrhosis, hypertonia, hypokalemia, severe kidney insufficiency. It should not be used in women who are pregnant as it can cause an increase in blood pressure, but it is Ok to use while lactation.
Case Study: I had just learned how great licorice root was for ulcers from one of the herb distribution companies when I first started practicing natural medicine, so I ordered a combine bottles of the deglycyrrhizinated licorice (Dgl) which is supposed to have fewer side effects if overdose occurs. Within a week, I had two ulcer cases that week, which is ordinarily the synchronistic way things happen in my life.
I didn't hear back from the first client, but the second client brought her bottle back to me, almost wholly full.
"Have you ever tried these?" She asked. "Well, no, I don't have ulcers, but I do try whatever I send home with cats as they won't tolerate much and you have to be singular with what you sent home with them."
"Well, you are going to try one now." She said assertively as she opened the bottle and whipped out one of those stinky minuscule pills.
I popped one into my mouth and chewed. "Woof!" I said, as I made a dash to the sink to wash my mouth out. "I had No idea!"
I refunded her money and learned a lot from that woman. I guess you have to use licorice root in very small doses! I'm not so keen on sending home awful tasting stuff with clients any more. I'd rather send capsules and homeopathic formulas home which taste better. Some herbalists say capsules don't work as well, but if you can't gag something down, and it stays on your shelf the whole month, it's not going to do you any good at all for correcting the challenge you came to see me for in the first place! I think I'll just stick to eating the occasional piece of black licorice candy! I like the organic Panda brand you get at the local health food store.
Here's an intelligent licorice fact: Millions of pounds of licorice are imported into the United States each year, about 90% for use in flavoring tobacco products. Bizarre, huh? I wonder if smoking it causes high blood pressure...
Diabetic Cat Food:Sugar Substitutes: Licorice Rootวันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555
My Cat is Vomiting - When Hairballs Are Not the Cause of Cat Vomiting
Perhaps you have watched your cat gulp down his chow speedily (like a dog!), then drink a lot of water(like a dog!), then he jumped up on the bed for a nap(like a cat). He wakes up and jumps off the bed -- whoops -- your cat is vomiting his dinner all over the floor. If he gives the mess a disdainful glare and sits down in front of the cat food bowl seeing for more food, you don't need to be too concerned. Your cat plainly had a load of undigested food in his belly and landed on the floor too hard which caused him to throw up his dinner. While overeating and cat hairballs are base causes of cat vomiting, here are some other reasons why your cat is vomiting and how you should react to them.
- Swallowing a foreign object, like a plant that irritates the stomach; or dental floss or string, that has tangled itself inside his intestine
- Pancreatitis
- Diabetes
- Hyperthyroidism
- Kidney disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Feline urinary tract infection
Cats are not cows, but they do enjoy occasionally eating grass and plants. If your cat is vomiting over and over, but shows no other signs of illness, hold off feeding him for 12 to 24 hours. If he becomes lethargic and won't eat after 24 hours get him to the vet - fast. He may have ingested something poisonous, or even have another illness like pancreatitis.
Cats love to play with strings of all types: dental floss, thread, yarn, tinsel, fishing line. When they swallow the string it has a chance to tangle up inside his intestines and even cause a blockage.
If your cat is vomiting repeatedly and doesn't let up, this is a sure sign that he has swallowed something foreign. An intestinal blockage is life threatening. Get him to the vet.
If you cat is a chronic vomiter - he vomits on a quarterly basis, but maybe only once or twice a month, then he may be suffering from irritable bowel disease. If he drinks and urinates excessively in conjunction with cat vomiting, he may be diabetic, have kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, cancer, heartworm disease, or event a feline urinary tract infection.
If you are a cat owner whose cat is suffering from entangled intestines, or poisoning, or is a chronic vomiter, your cat needs allowable determination by a veterinarian. If the determination requires long-term healing treatment, talk to you vet about herbal solutions for your cat.
Vets are turning more today to herbal solutions for treating the illnesses that cause chronic cat vomiting. Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) is an exquisite tonic for the entire digestive tract including your cat's intestines, bladder and kidneys.
Urtica urens is used in contemporary herbalism to promote a salutary metabolism and supports strong thyroid and adrenal functions. Galega officinalis (Goat's Rue) helps heighten pancreatic health and mouth salutary insulin levels in cats. Arctostaphylos uva ursi helps mouth general pH levels in your cat's urinary tract.
If your cat is vomiting and you conjecture one of these illnesses, natural herbal remedies play a large part in eliminating disease and maintaining wellness. Best yet, help your cat stick to a uncomplicated pet health care program that literally gets him on the fast track to saving using simple, natural herbal solutions.
Diabetic Cat Food:My Cat is Vomiting - When Hairballs Are Not the Cause of Cat VomitingHome Remedies For The Flu
With nutritional home remedies for flu it is possible to be over the worst in 48 hours or less by mixing together this cocktail of herbs.
When you have flu it is leading to boost your immune principles as fast as possible in order to treat the condition fast and positively to beat the infection.
Flu and in single swine flu is more risky for habitancy with an fundamental curative condition such as asthma, chronic obstructive disease (Copd), diabetes, bronchitis, heart or kidney complaint or any lung linked problem in which case then your physician will propose the every year seasonal flu shot, more particularly if you are over sixty five years.
During a flu infection the body creates a fever condition plainly as your immune principles works best when in a warm environment. Hence the recommendation to wrap up well when you have a cold or flu-like condition.
Immune Boosting Herbs
There are many different foods and herbs which you can mix together as a power cocktail for an immune principles boost. The most popular which are recommended by alternative practitioners as a liquid boost are:
This is the Native American snake root which later became known as 'snake oil' which was sold by travelling salesmen in the Wild West days. Surprisingly it did sell well because it worked, but no one at the time realised its full potential.
As it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties it is an perfect tonic for upper respiratory infections and it also increases the production of the white blood cells. Take two droppers of the tincture,
Tincture of Propolis
Not as well known as Echinacea, but it still has more properties being ant-viral, anti-bacterial and antibiotic all at the same time.
Propolis which is produced by the bees from discrete sources was named by the antique Greeks, pro meaning before and polis refers to the city, a more apt translation being 'In Defence of the City'. Used by the bees to repel invaders of their hives by sealing all cracks in the hive and at the same time keeping their environment sterile, As propolis is also an anti-inflammatory it helps to reduce the inflammation of the lining of the lungs and respiratory tract, also soothing any sore throat or cough.
Two droppers (If you are allergic to bee stings, honey or pollen take care as it could induce an adverse reaction)
It contains allicin, a substance which contains similar immune principles boosters to propolis. Chop two cloves in a blender to publish the active ingredients.
Cat's Claw
An anti-fungal, antioxidant and immune boosting herb from the Peruvian rain forest and was used for centuries by the natives of the Andes. Well known by alternative practitioners and has proved to boost immune function,
Include two droppers of the tincture.
Mix all the ingredients in a blender as a cocktail with 250 ml of tomato or organic vegetable juice and the juice of a lemon. The lemon acts as a liver cleanser to clear away the toxins produced by the infection.
The mixture should be sipped slowly twice a day morning and evening whilst the flu lasts.
Now that your body is in a' fever' condition you will need to drink copious amounts of water both to flush the toxins from your body and of policy to re-hydrate. Drink what you feel comfortable with but aim for at least 3 litres per day.
Diabetic Cat Food:Home Remedies For The Flu