How Pet Food Is Making Your Cat / Dog Obese And Diabetic - Fat Cats And Dogs - Diabetic Cat Food
Our pets, cats and dogs, are becoming obese and diabetic. Why are our dogs and cats getting fat? The food that we feed our cats and dogs is making them fat and unhealthy. This video is a review of the ingredients that are commonly found in dog and cat food. Like our processed food, you will find that most cat and dog food is filled with grains and starched. These are cheap carbohydrates that cause an insulin response in the body of the cat or dog. That insulin response creates fat storage. Popular advice for people who are overweight is for them to reduce their calories and exercise more. This simplistic approach won't work with your favorite pet and would not result is weight loss for your cat or dog. It is natural to assume that the diet that you eat is healthy for your pet. The marketing of pet food plays on that false assumption, but your cat or dog was not designed to eat grain. In the wild your cat or dog would hunt and eat meat. Your can and dog need to eat a primal diet. That is your pet's natural diet. Your goal should be to keep your pet's food as close to their natural diet as possible. Look for a pet food that has no grains and is low in carbohydrates. That will result in your cat or dog not becoming obese and diabetic, but also in your pet being healthier overall.